A member of The Adjective Army,
The A.G.T.S. High Council
& The Tiberian Sons

Charles D. Lindsay (aka Me).

A few personal details. I am male (approximately), 43 years old (still), married (permanently), have no children (just a cat), am employed as a Temporary Compliance Manager (temporarily) by a small Friendly
Society (no, this is not a joke) and spend far too much time (and
money) on "the Net".

I have a very high opinion of myself (with no justification according to my wife - or "Our Lass" as I prefer to call her) and have scant regard for the feelings of others as any regular visitor to the "C&C related"
newsgroups will confirm.

I am addicted to nicotine (although I no longer smoke) and computer games (not necessarily in that order) and particularly enjoy "Real Time Strategy" games such as Dune II, Command & Conquer, Red Alert,
Tiberian Sun, Age of Empires and, most recently, Age of Kings although I have also wasted" (according to "Our Lass") many happy hours playing X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Outlaws, Frontier and (first of all) Elite.

Before I possessed a computer (and when I can't get to one) I was (and am) an avid reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy novels. Particular
favourites of mine are by Tolkien, Stephen Donaldson, Isaac Asimov and Frank Herbert although there are many others, too numerous to list here.

As you may already have noticed, I am possessed of a peculiar sense of humour and an unnatural proclivity to employ more (and more obscure) words than may appear to be absolutely necessary. I'm sure the
psychologists among you will be able to think of a suitable explanation.

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Email: chas@lindsayc.force9.co.uk