The newsgroup to be seen in - a discussion group founded for a game which did not then exist. It was originally filled with speculation about how good the game was going to be and what new and exciting features would be served up for the delight of the loyal Westwood fans. Nowadays, of course, we all know exactly how good the game is so the discussion tends towards just how badly Westwood "messed up" and how all the fans (with a few un-noteworthy exceptions) are terribly disillusioned with the whole thing. This, however, doesn't mean that the Regulars don't have anything to talk about -  the Adjective Army has moved it's permanent base here to deal with the constant influx of Trolls, potential pirates and the idiots who ask "What are the cheat codes ?" - after all, just because there were no cheat codes in C&C, RA and D2000 that's no reason for there to be none in TS, right ? We originally had an alternative to the A.A. - the AGTS High Council which was formed to ensure peace, harmony and "couth". It lost it's way due to the frustration of waiting for the game to be released and has now, to all intents and purposes ceased to exist. It's duties have been absorbed by the all-powerful Adjective Army who constantly welcome newcomers in a fashion specially adapted to each individual based upon the merit (or otherwise) of their posts. Before posting here for the first time, it is a "very good idea" to find (and read) the FAQ and XFAQ which are posted by "Zagadka" on a regular basis. Failure to do this can have very unpleasant consequences - you have been warned. The group is currently much less busy than it was when the game was released (960 posts in the last seven days) but we are expecting a massive resurgence of interest (and stupid questions) as soon as the Christmas presents have been installed.

It's a crying shame but this newsgroup is almost dead (only 13 recent posts and only 4 of them related to the game. Still, I continue to monitor it just in case anyone has anything interesting to say about the Grandfather of all RTS games. In the past I've also given assistance to people asking questions about Dune 1 in this group.

Considering the relatively recent release of this game this group is peculiarly quiet (only 12 recent posts and none about the game). Not many of the C&C regulars visit here. I think that most of them didn't buy this game and those that did were disappointed with it. I can't imagine why - it was everything I expected it to be and I thoroughly enjoyed playing it. I continue to hang around here on the off chance that I may be able to impress somebody with my ready wit and vast knowledge of the game. / A.g.e.w.command-n-conq / A.g.e.w.tiberian-sun

These three groups do not really belong in my list of favourites being, in my opinion, no more than a blatant attempt to raise Electronic Arts' marketing profile. As you can see from my list, we already have
more than sufficient newsgroups to keep up to date with and we needed three more almost as much as we needed a hole in the head. I have actually unsubscribed from them all now so I am unable to offer more information.

Microsoft.public.ageofempires / /

The only "non-Westwood" games groups I subscribe to and what a difference ! People ask questions in these groups and actually get answers. Little or no attempt at humour, no flames to speak of (although more than there used to be), in fact it's difficult to see how they have any fun at all. All I can say is that if I'm pushed for time when reading my news these are the groups where I "Mark all messages as read". They are worth a visit though - if only to see how the other half lives.

The only "non-games" group I subscribe to. Mere words are inadequate to describe the atmosphere in AFT - suffice it to say that even
I am wary of posting here. For those of you who are familiar with Middle Earth it is well worth a visit but be warned - there are real (and pseudo-) intellectuals in this group, many of whom are almost as self-opinionated as I am. Two things are essential before posting: Firstly, be sure you can back up your statements with quotes from J.R.R.T. and secondly, do not (that's do not) mention Balrog wings. Having said that, there are some friendly(?) regulars ranging from Dwarves to Elven Queens (in the original sense of the word) to Sky Blue Flying Dragons. All in all, a fascinating place to spend a few hours (when you can't think of anything better to do).

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